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(Three Part Breath)

“This Bhastrika should be performed plentifully, for it breaks the three knots: Brahma granthi (in the chest), Vishnu granthi (in the throat), and the Rudra granthi (between the eyebrows) of the body”

-2.67 HYP

This is when we learn to fill the three chambers of the lungs, the lower, thoracic region and clavicle region. By isolating each area individually, we can more control of every aspect of the breath better, which helps us maximize each breath. When we can take full deep breaths we feel calm and grounded. The breath begins to deepen naturally so even when you aren't consciously practicing, you are subconsciously practicing! It also can help deepen your asanas by consciously moving the breath around depending on where the poses allow it to be.​


Dirgha breath ensures that are taking full breaths and works out all the respiratory muscles. We start by inhaling into the belly, then into lower ribs, then finishing up by the collarbones. Exhaling is from the top back down.


How to do it- Can be done sitting up or laying down. Place your right hand on your belly, and your left hand on your chest... right at heart center. Bring your awareness to the spot in between your two nostrils and take a few breaths; in through your nose and out through your nose. (3- 5 breaths) now lets start to deepen our breaths... on your next inhale pull your breath down into your belly... your right hand. As you inhale, feel your belly expanding... filling up with air, as we exhale... feel your belly squeezing all of the air out.



  • promotes using the diaphragm to breath

  • lengthens and smooths out the breath.


Don't Force Anything! It is in our nature to try and perfect things, so when you first begin a pranayama practice you may feel the urge to try and perfect it right away. If we approach pranayama in this way it can lead to injury, so it's important to approach each practice with an idea of using the least amount of energy possible. If a noise is too loud, this shows that there is an excessive inner struggle going on. It requires the use of various muscles for exhaling, and for controlling the breath to make the sound. When practicing, it is important to use the muscles gently, so that the internal energy flow is gentle so that stress isn't created 




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